DUI, Hit and Run and Reckless Driving Charges Dismissed! No evidence of driving. BAC .211/.217
April 2014
A King County District Court Judge dismissed my client's DUI, Hit and Run and Reckless Driving charges. My client was alleged to have driven into an electrical outlet box, run over a stop sign and proceed to drive away down a dead end street. One eyewitness went with police to identify the truck she saw cause the accident. Once the officers ascertained the responsible vehicle, they contacted the registered owner, my client at his home. It is alleged he admitted to driving earlier and was arrested and charged with DUI, Hit and Run of an Unattended Vehicle and Reckless Driving. The client was alleged to have participated in a breath test at the station and the results were .211 and .217!
After hearing my arguments, the judge held there was no independent proof my client was driving that particular vehicle at the time of the accident and dismissed for what we call a lack of corpus delicti.
City of Auburn v. D.W. Case No. 3Z0755596.
Court: King County District Court - Auburn