If you have been arrested for DUI in Tacoma, WA it is in your absolute interest to contact a Tacoma DUI Attorney today. The Webb Law Firm's attorneys have handled numerous cases in the Pierce County District Court in Tacoma ranging from Unlawful Possession of a Fiream (Felony) to DUI to Reckless Driving. If your case involves a felony charge or DUI arrest in Tacoma, call the Webb Law Firm today for immediate representation.
If you were arrested by a City of Tacoma police department officer for a misdemeanor offense, your case will be handled in the Tacoma Municipal Court.
If your charge involves a felony offense or misdemeanor offense and the arresting agency was a Washington State Patrolman or Sheriff's Deputy the case will be handled in the Pierce County District or Superior Courthouse.
If you need a Tacoma DUI attorney call the Webb Law Firm today for a free consultation. (425) 522-4200.
Tacoma DUI Penalties:
1st Offense (no prior offenses w/in the past 7 yrs) and Breath Test below .15 or THC concentration of 5.00 ng/mL or more:
• 1 day jail (may be converted to 15 days of Electronic Home Monitoring at violator's expense or 90 days on the 24/7 Sobriety Program if available - if a child under 16 was in the vehicle, 1 extra day of jail is imposed)
• 90 day license suspension
• Not less than $350 (plus other court costs and fees)
• Ignition interlock requirement for 1 year
• Up to 5 years probation
• Alcohol assessment and follow-up treatment
• Denial of entry into Canada by Canadian Consulate
1st Offense (no prior offenses w/in the past 7 years) and Breath Test above .15 or refusal of Breath or Blood test:
• 2 days jail (may be converted to 30 days of Electronic Home Monitoring at violator's expense or 120 days on the 24/7 Sobriety Program if available - if a child under 16 was in the vehicle, 1 extra day of jail is imposed)
• 1 year license suspension (if refusal, then 2 years)
• Not less than $500 (plus other court costs and fees)
• Ignition interlock requirement for 1 year
• Up to 5 years probation
• Alcohol assessment and follow-up treatment
• Denial of entry into Canada by Canadian Consulate
2nd Offense (one prior offense w/in the past 7 years) and Breath Test below .15 or THC concentration of 5.00 ng/mL or more:
• 30 days jail (if a child under 16 was in the vehicle, 5 extra days of jail is imposed) and 60 days of Electronic Home Monitoring at violator's expense* In lieu of the mandatory 30 days in jail, with court approval, a violator may serve 4 days in jail plus either 180 days of EHM or 120 days on a 24/7 alcohol monitoring program
• 2 year license suspension
• Not less than $500 (plus other court costs and fees)
• Ignition interlock requirement for 5 years
• Up to 5 years probation
• Alcohol assessment and follow-up treatment
• Denial of entry into Canada by Canadian Consulate
2nd Offense (one prior offense w/in the past 7 years) and Breath Test above .15 or refusal of Breath or Blood test:
• 45 days jail (if a child under 16 was in the vehicle, 5 extra jail days imposed) and 90 days of Electronic Home Monitoring at violator's expense* In lieu of the mandatory 45 days in jail, with court approval, a violator may serve 6 days in jail and either 6 months on EHM or 120 days on a 24/7 alcohol monitoring program
• 900 day license suspension (3 years for refusal)
• Not less than $750 (plus other court costs and fees)
• Ignition interlock requirement for 5 years
• Up to 5 years probation
• Alcohol assessment and follow-up treatment
• Denial of entry into Canada by Canadian Consulate
3rd Offense (two or more prior offenses w/in the past 7 years) and Breath Test below .15 or THC concentration of 5.00 ng/mL or more:
• 90 days jail (if a child under 16 was in the vehicle, 10 extra days jail imposed) and 120 days of Electronic Home Monitoring at violator's expense* In lieu of the mandatory 120 days of EHM, with court approval, the violator may convert the EHM to an additional 8 days of jail
• 3 year license suspension
• Not less than $1000 (plus other court costs and fees)
• Ignition interlock requirement for 10 years
• Up to 5 years probation
• Alcohol assessment and follow-up treatment
• Denial of entry into Canada by Canadian Consulate
3rd Offense (two or more prior offenses w/in the past 7 years) and Breath Test above .15 or Refusal of Breath or Blood test:
• 120 days jail (if a child under 16 was in the vehicle, 10 extra days jail imposed) and 150 days of Electronic Home Monitoring at violator's expense* In lieu of the mandatory 150 days of EHM, with court approval, the violator may convert the EHM to an additional 10 days of jail
• 4 year license suspension (same for refusal)
• Not less than $1500 (plus other court costs and fees)
• Ignition interlock requirement for 10 years
• Up to 5 years probation
• Alcohol assessment and follow-up treatment
• Denial of entry into Canada by Canadian Consulate
4th Offense (three or more prior offenses w/in the past 10 years) – regardless of breath or blood test result:
• Felony penalties!
In lieu of mandatory EHM requirements for 2nd offense and above sentences, the offender may participate in a 6 month 24/7 sobriety monitoring program.
Contact Nathan L. Webb today for a free DUI consultation. We know Seattle DUI Defense!